CASE:  Retailer pet supplies

Case packshot hondenmanden studio360

The new images made for an instant tripling of sales on the marketplaces. The amount of visitors that converted to buying the article tripled as well. This without any means of price change. The only change was the imagery.

About studio-360 – The video

Our studios can shoot, edit (make the shot free-standing on a background of choice) and upload 2D to 360° rotatable product shots on our clients’ webshops, marketplaces or servers. The great news – this makes us very cost-efficient and our clients don’t have to miss their collections and products for long.

Packshot Puppeteers​

Packshot Puppeteers coath

We come across quite some heavy breathing when mentioning packshots or product photography (no.. not that kind of heavy breathing 😏). Apparently, a lot of you don’t really get excited at the thought of shooting hundreds of pictures and then making them free-standing before renaming them and then uploading them to your webshop, to your marketplaces, to your wholesale platform, to your PR agency’s platform, .. go figure!

5 reasons why quality packshots are crucial for more conversion.

quality packshots crucial for conversion.

You can’t have a webshop without a decent packshot nowadays, especially in COVID times where online sales have skyrocketed. Needless to say that it’s essential for your products to stand out in the masses. Believe us, you’ll experience a lot of benefits if you invest in quality product visuals

Where our technology meets creativity & creates efficiency

free-standing packshot, studio-360, shoes

Thanks to our technology, we can set up a studio in a matter of minutes and go from taking a free-standing packshot of a product to then portraying that same product.

In a still life setting, a product video, a GIF, a 360° image or presenting it on a model. Check out what we did for one of our accessory clients & look below for the Irish Scribble & Stone webshop!

The science of love and e-comm

Love and selling are not that far apart. The trick is to keep your customer with you as long and as close as possible.

how 10 easy photo improvements can increase your online sales

Packshots, studio-360

Packshots are (one of) the most important things for your online visibility and your sales. The more information you can provide about your product, the better informed the consumer will be and the more convinced he will be to buy the product. Studies have shown that good packshots even reduce returns up to 20%