product photography & videography for fashion

Product photography

Let’s start at the beginning: photos of your product. Photos that sell. From packshots to photos with a live model: we got it all. studio360 is happy to help you with:

  • Packshots (hanger & flats)
  • Ghost packshots
  • Product gifs (how to’s – unboxings – social media collages – …)
  • Setting photography

Product video

Want to blow over your customers and the algorithm? Then videos are the way to go! Find out how packshot videos and product videos can boost your brand online. 

360° spins

360°’s allow customers to view your product in its entirety, as if they already have it in their hands. With a 360°, you take your brand’s shopping experience to the next level.

Model photography

Are you looking for product content with live models to show how a garment falls/moves or fits? You can!


You don’t only stand out with fantastic products, but also with strong images. Thinking of more creative settings for your products? Leave the inspiring compositions to us. Ready to stand out from the competition? 

Ready to conquer the fashion scene with quality product content?

Why choose us?

The advantages of working with studio360

Quick service

Visuals ready 24 hours after delivering your products

Better results

Achieve higher conversion rates and lower number of returns


Receive content that is ready for online and offline use

All-round solutions

Everything you could possibly wish, under one roof

Remain involved

Stay involved (online or physically) with our shoots and provide live feedback


Qualitative packshots, starting at €20,- per image

At studio360, we believe that quality doesn’t have to be expensive. That’s why we work per image, and not per hour. Did you know that – depending on the number of images and the type of image – you can have packshots for certain fashion products from €20 per image? Want to know more? Ask for a free test shoot!

How we work

Workflow @studio360

01. Intake

During the first phase, you tell us what you are looking for and we learn to see your product through 'your eyes'. Not quite sure what you need? Don't worry, we are happy to give you both creative and strategic advice.

02. Set-up

In the second phase, we create your unique packshot-ID. These are templates for positioning, lighting, camera settings and finishing. This allows us to work faster on large runs and makes it easy to set up the studio for the next shoot.

03. Execution

In the third phase, we let our photographers do the work. They make sure that your product is portrayed in the right way, that the naming and finishing are done according to your wishes and that the images are ready for use, both online and offline!

4. Deliver

Did you know that as soon as we receive your package, we have a speed service whereby we can deliver your images within 24 hours? Quality in a fast and cost-effective way, that's the advantage of working with studio360!

From theory to practice: proven results with Studio360

CASE: Retailer underwear & accessories


To improve the sales of their underwear product range on online marketplaces like & Zalando this Belgian retail brand (and market leader) paired up with marketplace enabler Distrilink. In the very competitive marketplace landscape, more than 1000 search results appear when looking for “underwear”.  Here, a packshot (image) of the product is thé shop window and this image will make a huge difference between a click or a pass. That first impression can have a whopping 400% of impact on conversion.

The brands’ original packshots were unsharp, had no consistent background, were not zoomable and presented the products somewhat sloppy. Consumers therefore couldn’t really asses the products very well online. As a result, page visits and conversion lay well below expectations.  


In August 22, Distrilink advised to halve the product range on the market places and to invest in qualitative product imagery.

In close collaboration with studio360, the decision was made to work with packshots as well as with e-commerce model images. The more information an online consumer receives on a product, the more they will be inclined to make a purchase. However simple the product may be, consistency and coherence throughout the presentation of the collection, give a qualitative impression on the brand and the brands’ products. The better the consumer is informed up front, the lower the returns.

catwalk videos were also added to the product presentations (on the product page) to show how the products moved and fitted.


Sales went through the roof. In September (within 1 month of using new images), sales doubled on product level.

Numbers distrilink


studio360 is the one-stop studio for product & packshot photography. Need a video? No problem. We produce any kind of business boosting visual product content. Our team photographs and edits free-standing 2D or 360° spins of your products, regardless of your industry.


Hessenplein 2
2000 Antwerpen

Nathalie: +32 489 300849

