s360 goes mobile

Our studios are moveable which means we can come to your place to shoot your products with our technology.


Product photos, studio-360, meme

We’ve all had first-hand experience in why providing and receiving the right online product information is crucial.

Buying and selling online is different than offline. To guarantee that seller and buyer are talking about the same thing, products need to be presented as realistically as possible. Pictures, videos and detailed product information enhances buyers’ trust and dramatically reduces returns by more than 22%.


The digital gap, studio-360

According to the DESI-index of 2020, we’re not doing too bad and the pandemic has forced many to step up and get their online act together, but despite the numbers, we still hear “we don’t believe in online” at least once a week.. incredible don’t you think?


Packshots studio-360

We get a lot of questions in regard to getting pictures online asap for a multitude of means. Qualitative, realistic and true packshots are ideal for not only e-commerce & advertising, but also for:

Ghost shots

Ghost shots studio-360

What are ghost packshots?
It’s also called invisible mannequin photography or 3D clothing packshots. A ghost mannequin shows the clothing as if someone is wearing it, but you only see the clothes. Spooky you say ;-)? Not really – it’s a great way of showing off all the details of the clothes – how the fit is, how the neckline dips and you can also see the inside details, like the lining of a jacket.


Knowing that people simply do judge a book by its cover:
93% of consumers consider the visual appearance of a product to be a key factor when making a purchase online*.
It takes about 0,05 seconds for users to form an opinion about your website. Better make it an attractive experience.
38% of people stop engaging with a website if the content or layout are unattractive.

Xmas special

Hi there!

Are you ready for Xmas? Have your last minute Xmas social posts or specials all lined up?

Was the answer to that question no? Well, you should. Because there’s nothing better to start off a new year than with great sales – and the way to do it, is with great product pictures or videos. Don’t believe us? Research has proven that shoppers are 144% more likely to add a product to their cart if they’ve watched a product video.


Sunglases visual content

Are you in the midst of developing your new website or online shop? Or maybe you need some new pictures for your catalog? Good for you!
Then.. maybe you’ve already had the time to think of how you want to present your products online?